Black Asteroid |
was my very first magnetized 3D terrain. The
could have described many common objects but I
always thought of it as an asteroid. Each hex
had a metal washed glued to it and each Plastech
'mech had a VERY strong magnet epoxied to its
base. The whole thing pivoted on a central axis
and we never had a mech come loose.
The supports look a trifle odd but they were designed
to be sturdy and pack flat. I'm proud to say they
never failed me.
I built it specifically for a gaming convention
and, as luck would have it, while in transit a
cold front blasted through the area and the cold
was so intense it popped the magnets I'd epoxied
off the base of the mechs. I made a memorable,
and frigid dash to local merchants in search of
some replacement epoxy. Luck was with me and the
game started just
a few minutes late. (I also learned to texture
surfaces before epoxying them.)
to say, I trashed this terrain sometime around
2010. Feel free to make your own, though.